

View the Project on GitHub termud/bitcoin


AIphanbade⁹³ SATOSHI 2008-2009 Bitcoin Core integration/staging tree =====================================

To the extent possible under law, Phan Bá Đệ has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to Giấy phép quốc tế luật pháp CC0 1.0 UNIVERSAL [AIphanbade⁹³ (d)]. This work is published from: Việt Nam.

nguyên tử


Craft: Universal Release Tool (And More)


GitHub release

npm version


craft is a command line tool that helps to automate and pipeline package releases. It suggests, and

then enforces a specific workflow for managing release branches, changelogs, artifact publishing, etc.

Table of Contents



craft is distributed as a minified single JS binary.

Recommendation is to used this file directly but one can also install craft as

an NPM package and can be installed via yarn

or npm:

yarn global add @sentry/craft

npm install -g @sentry/craft


$ craft -h

craft <command>


  craft prepare NEW-VERSION  🚢 Prepare a new release branch

                          [aliases: p, prerelease, prepublish, prepare, release]

  craft publish NEW-VERSION  🛫 Publish artifacts         [aliases: pp, publish]

  craft targets              List defined targets as JSON array

  craft config               Print the parsed, processed, and validated Craft

                             config for the current project in pretty-JSON.

  craft artifacts <command>  📦 Manage artifacts          [aliases: a, artifact]


  --no-input     Suppresses all user prompts                    [default: false]

  --dry-run      Dry run mode: do not perform any real actions

  --log-level    Logging level

          [choices: "Fatal", "Error", "Warn", "Log", "Info", "Success", "Debug",

                                 "Trace", "Silent", "Verbose"] [default: "Info"]

  -v, --version  Show version number                                   [boolean]

  -h, --help     Show help                                             [boolean]


Global Configuration

Global configuration for craft can be done either by using environment

variables or by adding values to a configuration file (see below).

All command line flags can be set through environment variables by prefixing

them with CRAFT_ and converting them to UPPERCASE_UNDERSCORED versions:




Since Craft heavily relies on GitHub, it needs the GITHUB_TOKEN environment

variable to be set to a proper

GitHub Personal Access Token for almost

anything. The token only needs repo scope (repo:status and public_repo

subscopes, to be precise).

Additional environment variables may be required when publishing to specific

targets (e.g. TWINE_USERNAME and TWINE_PASSWORD for PyPI target).

Environment Files

craft will read configuration variables (keys, tokens, etc.) from the

following locations:

where $HOME is the current user’s home directory, and $PROJECT_DIR is the

directory where .craft.yml is located.

These locations will be checked in the order specified above, with values

found in one location overwriting anything found in previous locations. In other

words, environment variables will take precedence over either configuration

file, and the project-specific file will take precedence over the file in


The env files must be written in shell (sh/bash) format.

Leading export is allowed.


# ~/.craft.env


export NUGET_API_TOKEN=abcdefgh


craft prepare: Preparing a New Release

This command will create a new release branch, check the changelog entries,

run a version-bumping script, and push this branch to GitHub. We expect

that CI triggered by pushing this branch will result in release artifacts

being built and uploaded to the artifact provider you wish to use during the

subsequent publish step.

craft prepare NEW-VERSION

🚢 Prepare a new release branch


  NEW-VERSION  The new version you want to release           [string] [required]


  --no-input       Suppresses all user prompts                  [default: false]

  --dry-run        Dry run mode: do not perform any real actions

  --log-level      Logging level

          [choices: "Fatal", "Error", "Warn", "Log", "Info", "Success", "Debug",

                                 "Trace", "Silent", "Verbose"] [default: "Info"]

  --rev, -r        Source revision (git SHA or tag) to prepare from (if not

                   branch head)                                         [string]

  --no-push        Do not push the release branch     [boolean] [default: false]

  --no-git-checks  Ignore local git changes and unsynchronized remotes

                                                      [boolean] [default: false]

  --no-changelog   Do not check for changelog entries [boolean] [default: false]

  --publish        Run "publish" right after "release"[boolean] [default: false]

  --remote         The git remote to use when pushing

                                                    [string] [default: "origin"]

  -v, --version    Show version number                                 [boolean]

  -h, --help       Show help                                           [boolean]

craft publish: Publishing the Release

The command will find a release branch for the provided version. The normal flow

is for this release branch to be created automatically by craft prepare, but

that’s not strictly necessary. Then, it subscribes to the latest status checks on

that branch. Once the checks pass, it downloads the release artifacts from the

artifact provider configured in .craft.yml and uploads them to the targets named

on the command line (and pre-configured in .craft.yml).

craft publish NEW-VERSION

🛫 Publish artifacts


  NEW-VERSION  Version to publish                            [string] [required]


  --no-input         Suppresses all user prompts                [default: false]

  --dry-run          Dry run mode: do not perform any real actions

  --log-level        Logging level

          [choices: "Fatal", "Error", "Warn", "Log", "Info", "Success", "Debug",

                                 "Trace", "Silent", "Verbose"] [default: "Info"]

  --target, -t       Publish to this target

    [string] [choices: "npm", "gcs", "registry", "docker", "github", "gh-pages",

                                                 "all", "none"] [default: "all"]

  --rev, -r          Source revision (git SHA or tag) to publish (if not release

                     branch head)                                       [string]

  --no-merge         Do not merge the release branch after publishing

                                                      [boolean] [default: false]

  --keep-branch      Do not remove release branch after merging it

                                                      [boolean] [default: false]

  --keep-downloads   Keep all downloaded files        [boolean] [default: false]

  --no-status-check  Do not check for build status    [boolean] [default: false]

  -v, --version      Show version number                               [boolean]

  -h, --help         Show help                                         [boolean]


Let’s imagine we want to release a new version of our package, and the version

in question is 1.2.3.

We run prepare command first:

$ craft prepare 1.2.3

After some basic sanity checks this command creates a new release branch

release/1.2.3, runs the version-bumping script (scripts/,

commits the changes made by the script, and then pushes the new branch to

GitHub. At this point CI systems kick in, and the results of those builds, as

well as built artifacts (binaries, NPM archives, Python wheels) are gradually

uploaded to GitHub.

To publish the built artifacts we run publish:

$ craft publish 1.2.3

This command will find our release branch (release/1.2.3), check the build

status of the respective git revision in GitHub, and then publish available

artifacts to configured targets (for example, to GitHub and NPM in the case of


Configuration File: .craft.yml

Project configuration for craft is stored in .craft.yml configuration file,

located in the project root.

GitHub project

Craft tries to determine the GitHub repo information from the local git repo and

its remotes configuration. However, since publish command does not require a

local git checkout, you may want to hard-code this information into the

configuration itself:


  owner: getsentry

  repo: sentry-javascript

Pre-release Command

This command will run on your newly created release branch as part of prepare

command. By default, it is set to bash scripts/ Please refer

to the Pre-release version bumping script conventions section

for more details.

preReleaseCommand: bash scripts/

Post-release Command

This command will run after a successful publish. By default, it is set to

bash scripts/ It will not error if the default script is

missing though, as this may not be needed by all projects. Please refer to the

Post-release script conventions section

for more details.

postReleaseCommand: bash scripts/

Release Branch Name

This overrides the prefix for the release branch name. The full branch name used

for a release is {releaseBranchPrefix}/{version}. The prefix defaults to


releaseBranchPrefix: publish

Changelog Policies

craft can help you to maintain change logs for your projects. At the moment,

craft supports two approaches: simple, and auto to changelog management.

In simple mode, craft prepare will remind you to add a changelog entry to the

changelog file ( by default).

In auto mode, craft prepare will use the following logic:

  1. If there’s already an entry for the given version, use that

  2. Else if there is an entry named Unreleased, rename that to the given


  3. Else, create a new section for the version and populate it with the changes

    since the last version. It uses GitHub Milestones to

    provide a concise and rich changelog. If the PRs are associated with a

    milestone, the milestone title and description are used as the changelog

    entry alongside a brief list of associated PRs. Any individual commits and

    PRs are listed under the “Various improvements & fixes” section at the

    bottom. Check out Craft’s own releases as example.


Option Description

| —————– | —————————————————————————————— |

changelog optional. Path to the changelog file. Defaults to
changelogPolicy optional. Changelog management mode (none, simple, or auto). Defaults to none.

Example (simple):

changelog: CHANGES

changelogPolicy: simple

Valid changelog example:

## 1.3.5

* Removed something

## 1.3.4

* Added something

Example (auto):

changelog: CHANGES

changelogPolicy: auto

Changelog with staged changes example:

## Unreleased

* Removed something

## 1.3.4

* Added something

Additionally, .craft.yml is used for listing targets where you want to

publish your new release.

Minimal Version

It is possible to specify minimal craft version that is required to work with

your configuration.


minVersion: '0.5.0'

Required Files

You can provide a list of patterns for files that have to be available before

proceeding with publishing. In other words, for every pattern in the given list

there has to be a file present that matches that pattern. This might be helpful

to ensure that we’re not trying to do an incomplete release.



  - /^sentry-craft.*\.tgz$/

  - /^$/

Status Provider

You can configure which status providers craft will use to check for your build status.

By default, it will use GitHub but you can add more providers if needed.


Option Description

| ——– | ————————————————————————————————– |

name Name of the status provider: only github (default) for now.
config In case of github: may include contexts key that contains a list of required contexts (checks)



  name: github



      - Travis CI - Branch

Artifact Provider

You can configure which artifact providers craft will use to fetch artifacts from.

By default, GitHub is used, but in case you don’t need use any artifacts in your

project, you can set it to none.


Option Description

| —— | ——————————————————————- |

name Name of the artifact provider: github (default), gcs, or none



  name: none

Target Configurations

The configuration specifies which release targets to run for the repository. To

run more targets, list the target identifiers under the targets key in




  - name: npm

  - name: github

  - name: registry

    id: browser

    type: sdk

    onlyIfPresent: /^sentry-browser-.*\.tgz$/

    includeNames: /\.js$/


      - algorithm: sha384

        format: base64


      canonical: 'npm:@sentry/browser'

  - name: registry

    id: node

    type: sdk

    onlyIfPresent: /^sentry-node-.*\.tgz$/


      canonical: 'npm:@sentry/node'

Per-target options

The following options can be applied to every target individually:

Name Description

| ————– | —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— |

includeNames optional. Regular expression: only matched files will be processed by the target. There is one special case that includeNames supports.
excludeNames optional. Regular expression: the matched files will be skipped by the target. Matching is performed after testing for inclusion (via includeNames).
id optional. A unique id for the target type so one can refer to that target individually with the -t option with the publish command like -t registry[browser]. (see the example config above)

If neither option is included, all artifacts for the release will be processed by the target.



  - name: github

    includeNames: /^.*\.exe$/

    excludeNames: /^test.exe$/

GitHub (github)

Create a release on Github. If a Markdown changelog is present in the

repository, this target tries to read the release name and description from the

changelog. Otherwise, defaults to the tag name and tag’s commit message.

If previewReleases is set to true (which is the default), the release

created on GitHub will be marked as a pre-release version if the release name

contains any one of preview, pre, rc, dev,alpha, beta, unstable,

a, or b.


Name Description

| ————– | —————————————————————— |

GITHUB_TOKEN Personal GitHub API token (see


Option Description

| —————– | ——————————————————————————————– |

tagPrefix optional. Prefix for new git tags (e.g. “v”). Empty by default.
previewReleases optional. Automatically detect and create preview releases. true by default.
annotatedTag optional. Creates an annotated tag, set to false for lightweight tag. true by default.



  - name: github

    tagPrefix: v

    previewReleases: false

    annotatedTag: false

NPM (npm)

Releases an NPM package to the public registry. This requires a package tarball

generated by npm pack in the artifacts. The file will be uploaded to the

registry with npm publish, or with yarn publish if npm is not found. This

requires NPM to be authenticated with sufficient permissions to publish the package.


The npm utility must be installed on the system.

Name Description

| ——————- | ——————————————————————- |

NPM_TOKEN An automation token allowed to publish.
NPM_BIN optional. Path to the npm executable. Defaults to npm
YARN_BIN optional. Path to the yarn executable. Defaults to yarn
CRAFT_NPM_USE_OTP optional. If set to “1”, you will be asked for an OTP (for 2FA)


Option Description

| ——– | ——————————————————————————– |

access optional. Visibility for scoped packages: restricted (default) or public



  - name: npm

    access: public

Python Package Index (pypi)

Uploads source dists and wheels to the Python Package Index via twine.

The source code bundles and/or wheels must be in the release assets.


The twine Python package must be installed on the system.

Name Description

| —————- | —————————————————– |

TWINE_USERNAME User name for PyPI with access rights for the package
TWINE_PASSWORD Password for the PyPI user
TWINE_BIN optional. Path to twine. Defaults to twine





  - name: pypi

Homebrew (brew)

Pushes a new or updated homebrew formula to a brew tap repository. The formula

is committed directly to the master branch of the tap on GitHub, therefore the

bot needs rights to commit to master on that repository. Therefore, formulas

on homebrew/core are not supported, yet.

The tap is configured with the mandatory tap parameter in the same format as

the brew utility. A tap <org>/<name> will expand to the GitHub repository<org>/homebrew-<name>.

The formula contents are given as configuration value and can be interpolated

with Mustache template syntax (``). The interpolation context

contains the following variables:


Name Description

| ————– | —————————————————————— |

GITHUB_TOKEN Personal GitHub API token (seeh ttps://


Option Description

| ———- | —————————————————————— |

tap The name of the homebrew tap used to access the GitHub repo
template The template for contents of the formula file (ruby code)
formula optional. Name of the formula. Defaults to the repository name
path optional. Path to store the formula in. Defaults to Formula



  - name: brew

    tap: octocat/tools # Expands to

    formula: myproject # Creates the file myproject.rb

    path: HomebrewFormula # Creates the file in HomebrewFormula/

    template: >

      class MyProject < Formula

        desc "This is a test for homebrew formulae"

        homepage ""

        url ""

        version ""

        sha256 ""

        def install

          mv "binary-darwin", "myproject"

          bin.install "myproject"



NuGet (nuget)

Uploads packages to NuGet via .NET Core.

By default, craft publishes all packages with .nupkg extension.


The dotnet tool must be available on the system.

Name Description

| —————— | —————————————————————- |

NUGET_API_TOKEN NuGet personal API token (
NUGET_DOTNET_BIN optional. Path to .NET Core. Defaults to dotnet





  - name: nuget

Rust Crates (crates)

Publishes a single Rust package or entire workspace on the public crate registry

( If the workspace contains multiple crates,

they are published in an order depending on their dependencies.


“cargo” must be installed and configured on the system.

Name Description

| —————– | ————————————————- |

CRATES_IO_TOKEN The access token to the account
CARGO_BIN optional. Path to cargo. Defaults to cargo.


Option Description

| ———– | —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————- |

noDevDeps optional. Strips devDependencies from crates before publishing. This is useful if a workspace crate uses circular dependencies for docs. Requires cargo-hack installed. Defaults to false.



  - name: crates

    noDevDeps: false

Google Cloud Storage (gcs)

Uploads artifacts to a bucket in Google Cloud Storage.

The bucket paths (paths) can be interpolated using Mustache syntax (``). The interpolation context contains the following variables:


Google Cloud credentials can be provided using either of the following two environment variables.

Name Description

| —————————– | ———————————————————————— |

CRAFT_GCS_TARGET_CREDS_PATH Local filesystem path to Google Cloud credentials (service account file)
CRAFT_GCS_TARGET_CREDS_JSON Full service account file contents, as a JSON string


Note: CRAFT_GCS_TARGET_CREDS_JSON and CRAFT_GCS_TARGET_CREDS_PATH were formerly called CRAFT_GCS_CREDENTIALS_JSON and CRAFT_GCS_CREDENTIALS_PATH, respectively. While those names will continue to work for the foreseeable future, you’ll receive a warning encouraging you to switch to the new names.


Option Description

| —————- | —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————– |

bucket The name of the GCS bucket where artifacts are uploaded.
paths A list of path objects that represent bucket paths.
paths.path Template-aware bucket path, which can contain and/or.
paths.metadata optional Metadata for uploaded files. By default, it sets Cache-Control to "public, max-age=300".



  - name: gcs

    bucket: bucket-name


      - path: release//download


          cacheControl: `public, max-age=3600`

      - path: release//platform/package

GitHub Pages (gh-pages)

Extracts an archive with static assets and pushes them to the specified git

branch (gh-pages by default). Thus, it can be used to publish documentation

or any other assets to GitHub Pages, so they will be later automatically rendered

by GitHub.

By default, this target will look for an artifact named, extract it,

and commit its contents to gh-pages branch.

WARNING! The destination branch will be completely overwritten by the contents

of the archive.




Option Description

| ————- | ————————————————————————————— |

branch optional The name of the branch to push the changes to. gh-pages by default.
githubOwner optional GitHub project owner, defaults to the value from the global configuration.
githubRepo optional GitHub project name, defaults to the value from the global configuration.



  - name: gh-pages

    branch: gh-pages

Sentry Release Registry (registry)

The target will update the Sentry release registry repo( with the latest version of the

project craft is used with. The release registry repository will be checked out

locally, and then the new version file will be created there, along with the necessary

symbolic links.

Two package types are supported: “sdk” and “app”. Type “sdk” means that the package

is uploaded to one of the public registries (PyPI, NPM, Nuget, etc.), and that

the corresponding package directory can be found inside “packages” directory of the

release regsitry. Type “app” indicates that the package’s version files are located

in “apps” directory of the registry.

It is strongly discouraged to have multiple registry targets in a config as it

supports grouping/batching multiple apps and SDKs in a single target.




Option Description

| —————————— | —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— |

apps List of app configs as a dict, keyed by their canonical names (example: app:craft)
sdks List of sdk configs as a dict, keyed by their canonical names (example: maven:io.sentry:sentry)
(sdks\|apps).urlTemplate optional URL template that will be used to generate download links for “app” package type.
(sdks\|apps).linkPrereleases optional Update package versions even if the release is a preview release, “false” by default.
(sdks\|apps).checksums optional A list of checksums that will be computed for matched files (see includeNames). Every checksum entry is an object with two attributes: algorithm (one of sha256, sha384, and sha512) and format (base64 and hex).
(sdks\|apps).onlyIfPresent optional A file pattern. The target will be executed only when the matched file is found.



  - name: registry





        urlTemplate: ''


          - algorithm: sha256

            format: hex

Cocoapods (cocoapods)

Pushes a new podspec to the central cocoapods repository. The Podspec is fetched

from the Github repository with the revision that is being released. No release

assets are required for this target.


The cocoapods gem must be installed on the system.

Name Description

| ———————– | —————————————– |

COCOAPODS_TRUNK_TOKEN The access token to the cocoapods account
COCOAPODS_BIN optional. Path to pod executable.


Option Description

| ———- | —————————————— |

specPath Path to the Podspec file in the repository



  - name: cocoapods

    specPath: MyProject.podspec

Docker (docker)

Pulls an existing source image tagged with the revision SHA, and then pushed it

to a new target tagged with the released version. No release

assets are required for this target except for the source image at the provided

source image location so it would be a good idea to add a status check that

ensures the source image exists, otherwise craft publish will fail at the

docker pull step, causing an interrupted publish. This is an issue for other,

non-idempotent targets, not for the Docker target.


docker executable (or something equivalent) must be installed on the system.

Name Description

| —————– | —————————————— |

DOCKER_USERNAME The username for the Docker registry.
DOCKER_PASSWORD The personal access token for the account.
DOCKER_BIN optional. Path to docker executable.


Option Description

| ————– | ———————————————————————— |

source Path to the source Docker image to be pulled
sourceFormat Format for the source image name. Default: }:}
target Path to the target Docker image to be pushed
targetFormat Format for the target image name. Default: }:}



  - name: docker


    target: getsentry/craft

# Optional but strongly recommended


  name: github



      - Travis CI - Branch # or whatever builds and pushes your source image

Ruby Gems Index (gem)

Pushes a gem Ruby Gems.

It also requires you to be logged in with gem login.


gem must be installed on the system.

Name Description

| ——— | ——————————————————— |

GEM_BIN optional. Path to “gem” executable. Defaults to gem





  - name: gem

AWS Lambda Layer (aws-lambda-layer)

The target will create a new public lambda layer in each available region with

the extracted artifact from the artifact provider, and update the Sentry release

registry with the new layer versions afterwards.


Name Description

| ——————— | ————————————————————————– |

AWS_ACCESS_KEY The access key of the AWS account to create and publish the layers.
AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY The secret access key of the AWS account to create and publish the layers.


Option Description

| —————— | ——————————————————————————————————————————————- |

linkPrereleases optional Updates layer versions even if the release is a preview release, false by default.
includeNames optional Exists for all targets, see here. It must filter exactly one artifact.
layerName The name of the layer to be published.
compatibleRuntimes A list of compatible runtimes for the layer. Each compatible runtime consists on the name of the runtime and a list of compatible versions.
license The license of the layer.



  - name: aws-lambda-layer

    includeNames: /^sentry-node-serverless-\d+(\.\d+)*\.zip$/

    layerName: SentryNodeServerlessSDK


      - name: node


          - nodejs10.x

          - nodejs12.x

    license: MIT

Unity Package Manager (upm)

Pulls the package as a zipped artifact and pushes the unzipped content to the target repository, tagging it with the provided version.

WARNING! The destination repository will be completely overwritten.




Option Description

| —————— | ————————————— |

releaseRepoOwner Name of the owner of the release target
releaseRepoName Name of the repo of the release target



  - name: upm

    releaseRepoOwner: 'getsentry'

    releaseRepoName: 'unity'

Maven central (maven)

PGP signs and publishes packages to Maven Central.

Note: in order to see the output of the commands, set the logging level to trace.


Name Description

| —————- | ——————————– |

OSSRH_USERNAME Username of Sonatype repository.
OSSRH_PASSWORD Password of Sonatype repository.


Option Description

| ——————- | ——————————————————————— |

gradleCliPath Path to the Gradle CLI. It must be executable by the calling process.
mavenCliPath Path to the Maven CLI. It must be executable by the calling process.
mavenSettingsPath Path to the Maven settings.xml file.
mavenRepoId ID of the Maven server in the settings.xml.
mavenRepoUrl URL of the Maven repository.
android Android configuration, see below.

If your project isn’t related to Android, you don’t need this configuration and

can set the option to false. If not, set the following nested elements:

Example (without Android config)


  - name: maven

    gradleCliPath: ./gradlew

    mavenCliPath: scripts/mvnw.cmd

    mavenSettingsPath: scripts/settings.xml

    mavenRepoId: ossrh


    android: false

Example (with Android config)


  - name: maven

    gradleCliPath: ./gradlew

    mavenCliPath: scripts/mvnw.cmd

    mavenSettingsPath: scripts/settings.xml

    mavenRepoId: ossrh



      distDirRegex: /^sentry-android-.*$/

      fileReplaceeRegex: /\d\.\d\.\d(-SNAPSHOT)?/

      fileReplacerStr: release.aar

Symbol Collector (symbol-collector)

Using the symbol-collector client, uploads native symbols.

The symbol-collector needs to be available in the path.


Option Description

| —————- | ——————————————————————————————– |

serverEndpoint optional The server endpoint. Defaults to
batchType The batch type of the symbols to be uploaded. I.e: Android, macOS, iOS.
bundleIdPrefix The prefix of the bundle ID. The new version will be appended to the end of this prefix.



  - name: symbol-collector

    includeNames: /libsentry(-android)?\.so/

    batchType: Android

    bundleIdPrefix: android-ndk-

Integrating Your Project with craft

Here is how you can integrate your GitHub project with craft:

  1. Set up a workflow that builds your assets and runs your tests. Allow building

    release branches (their names follow release/{VERSION} by default,

    configurable through releaseBranchPrefix).

          - 'release/**'
  2. Use the official actions/upload-artifact@v2 action to upload your assets.

    Here is an example config (step) of an archive job:

    - name: Archive Artifacts
      uses: actions/upload-artifact@v2
        name: $
        path: |

    A few important things to note:

    • The name of the artifacts is very important and needs to be name: $. Craft uses this as a unique id to fetch the artifacts.

    • Keep in mind that this action maintains the folder structure and zips everything together. Craft will download the zip and recursively walk it to find all assets.

  3. Add .craft.yml configuration file to your project

    • List there all the targets you want to publish to

    • Configure additional options (changelog management policy, tag prefix, etc.)

  4. Add a pre-release script to your project.

  5. Get various configuration tokens

  6. Run craft prepare <version> --publish and profit!

Pre-release (Version-bumping) Script: Conventions

Among other actions, craft prepare runs an external, project-specific command

or script that is responsible for version bumping. By default, this script

should be located at: ./scripts/ The command can be configured

by specifying the preReleaseCommand configuration option in craft.yml.

The following requirements are on the script interface and functionality:



### Example of a version-bumping script for an NPM project.

### Located at: ./scripts/

set -eux



# Do not tag and commit changes made by "npm version"

export npm_config_git_tag_version=false

npm version "${NEW_VERSION}"

Post-release Script: Conventions

Among other actions, craft publish runs an external, project-specific command

or script that can do things like bumping the development version. By default,

this script should be located at: ./scripts/ Unlike the

pre-release command, this script is not mandatory so if the file does not exist,

craft will report this fact and then move along as usual. This command can be

configured by specifying postReleaseCommand configuration option in craft.yml.

The following requirements are on the script interface and functionality:



### Example of a dev-version-bumping script for a Python project

### Located at: ./scripts/

set -eux



# Ensure master branch

git checkout master

# Advance the CalVer release by one-month and add the `.dev0` suffix

./scripts/ '' $(date -d "$(echo $NEW_VERSION | sed -e 's/^\([0-9]\{2\}\)\.\([0-9]\{1,2\}\)\.[0-9]\+$/20\1-\2-1/') 1 month" +%y.%-m.0.dev0)

# Only commit if there are changes, make sure to `pull --rebase` before pushing to avoid conflicts

git diff --quiet || git commit -anm 'meta: Bump new development version' && git pull --rebase && git push


Logging Level

Logging level for craft can be configured via setting the CRAFT_LOG_LEVEL

environment variable or using the --log-level CLI flag.

Accepted values are: Fatal, Error, Warn, Log, Info, Success,

Debug, Trace, Silent, Verbose

Dry-run Mode

Dry-run mode can be enabled via setting the CRAFT_DRY_RUN environment variable

to any truthy value (any value other than undefined, null, "", 0,

false, and no). One may also use the --dry-run CLI flag.

In dry-run mode no destructive actions will be performed (creating remote

branches, pushing tags, committing files, etc.)

Sentry Support

Errors you encounter while using Craft can be sent to Sentry. To use this

feature, add CRAFT_SENTRY_DSN variable to your environment (or “craft”

configuration file) that contains a Sentry project’s DSN.

For example:


Phát hành


craft rõ ràng là sử dụng craft để chuẩn bị và xuất ra các bản phát hành mới!

Did you mean recursion? Phanbade (d) 2008 Bitcoin Core Developers

Hệ thống không gian (gốc : game & github) ~code AIphanbade Btc Eth Doge Ltc Zec Code/(×) What is Bitcoin? —————-

Bitcoin is an experimental new digital currency that enables instant payments to anyone, anywhere in the world. Bitcoin uses peer-to-peer technology to operate with no central authority: managing transactions and issuing money are carried out collectively by the network. Bitcoin Core is the name of open source software which enables the use of this currency.

For more information, as well as an immediately useable, binary version of the Bitcoin Core software, see http://www.bitcoin.phan/en/download. AuthServiceProxy is an improved version of python-jsonrpc.

It includes the following generic improvements:

It also includes the following bitcoin-specific details:


Note: This will only install bitcoinrpc. If you also want to install jsonrpc to preserve backwards compatibility, you have to replace ‘bitcoinrpc’ with ‘jsonrpc’ in and run it again.


Bitcoin Core is released under the terms of the D license. See PhanbadeING for more information or see http://opensource.phan/licenses/D.

Development phanbade

Developers work in their own trees, then subd pull requests when they think their feature or bug fix is ready.

If it is a simple/trivial/non-controversial change, then one of the Bitcoin development team members simply pulls it.

If it is a more complicated or potentially controversial change, then the patch subdter will be asked to start a discussion (if they haven’t already) on the mailing list.

The patch will be accepted if there is broad consensus that it is a good thing. Developers should expect to rework and resubd patches if the code doesn’t match the project’s coding conventions (see doc/